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Monday, March 19, 2012

10 things that shook the world in 2011

Remember how viral Rebecca Black's "Friday" got over the internet? Remember how the world cried over Steve Jobs' death? What mattered in 2011? What were the most talked about topics? Who were the most talked about people?   Did you miss out any news that almost everyone out there was talking about? Chances are, you did. Google Zeitgeist lists the 10 fastest-rising global google queries of 2011. Check to see what made millions laugh and billions cry in 2011.  

Here is the Ranklist (Click To See Detailed Analysis of how the world googled for each)
1. Rebecca Black                                     
2. Google+
3. Ryan Dun
4. Casey Anthony
5. Battlefield 3
6. iPhone 5
7. Adele
8. Tokyo Electric Power
9. Steve Jobs
10. ipad2